Jack Hatchett plays devil. On the surface, he's a mobster. Underneath, he's a father. Deeper still, he's on a mission to reduce bloodlust and make life better for cryptids. Preferring the carrot over the stick, he'll give a bit, take a lot, and anyone who shakes his hand says thanks.

NAME: Jack Hatchett
SPECIES: Manticore
BUILD: 5'8" / 228 lbs.
HOMEWORLD: Auroverse
BIRTHDATE: August 02
STR: +4
DEX: +2
FOR: +3
INT: +2
WIS: +3
RES: +2
POW: +3
CHA: +2
VIT: +1
EDUCATION: Homeschool
LANGUAGES: Fingerspeak
ALIGNMENT: Social Impure
OBJECTIVE: Mass produce a bloodlust remedy.
I will make you mine,
and I'm gonna take my time...
APPEARANCE (physique)
Jack is a stocky man marbled with muscles and a bit of pudge. Bestial and worn, he has green catlike eyes, sharp teeth, clawed digits, pointed ears, and a notable scar on his upper-right lip. Pale chestnut hair falls just above his shoulders while prominent whiskers cover his jaw. A scorpion (left shoulder) and crossed axes with a music note (back) consist of his tattoos.
APPEARANCE (clothing)
Jack is almost always seen in an alchemist's tunic, favoring clothes that signify his status as a man of medicinal academia. For more mundane endeavors, he'll don a coat and jeans, but usually possesses a matching hat and no shoes. Fond of masculine jewelry, he wears an onyx ring on his left thumb and a wedding band on the appropriate finger beneath his gloves.
PERSONALITY (positives)
Jack is slow to reveal the machine of his being. Even on his worst days, he manages to be slow to anger and quick to be appeased. An inquisitive soul, he explores inner curiosities and is easy to indulge with a good conversation. Humor is important to him and the way he goes about life.
PERSONALITY (negatives)
Jack is better known for his darker side. Competency and cunning have helped make him into the thug he is today, although he's far more likely to reason than kill. Predatory by nature, he often preys to instill fear, and he's proficient in finding ways to make his victims pay for their crimes.
BACKGROUND (childhood, 00 - 12)
Jack was born into the Blackwell family alongside two older brothers who tortured him throughout his early life, and his father did little to help. One day, the eldest lashed out, resulting in a traumatic injury that rendered him mute, and if it weren't for his mother, a skilled healer, he might have died. Feeling isolated, he turned to alchemy as an escape.
BACKGROUND (teenhood, 13 - 19)
Jack grew as a budding alchemist, and as he did so, gained an interest in the bloodlust that held creatures such as him under spell. Once he was old enough, he left home for the town of Rowanwick where he met his best friend, Samantha Sykes, and became the apprentice of an old man whose shop and title he inherited after his late mentor passed of natural causes.
BACKGROUND (adulthood, 20 - 52)
Jack eventually struck an alliance with some like-minded scientists in the neighboring city of Los Lunares, forming the Bed of Scorpions. Together, they created a bloodlust suppressant, SATE, through trial and error with human blood, but not everyone was content. One of his coworkers committed arson to destroy the research, and he took the fall for everything.
BACKGROUND (the present, 199X)
Jack resorted to horrendous means to offer cryptids an alternative. Still at large, the Bed of Scorpions, having since turned into a crime syndicate, now abducted the unwary by night to be brought to Underhive and harvested for parts. While continuing to search for a permanent solution, he just recently discovered that Samantha, now an investigator, is on his trail.

SPECIALTIES (manticore attributes, healing)
Jack is a manticore and able to shapeshift in part and whole. Armed with several natural features, he possesses enhanced physical attributes, large wings, sting venom, fire-breath, and a healing factor that mends most injuries, including ruptured organs. Old wounds cannot regenerate.

EXPERTISES (adept alchemy, pit fighting)
Jack is an extremely talented alchemist and healer, capable of creating various potions, serums, medicines, pellets, and everything in between, given he has the resources. In a different vein, he recreationally partakes in pit fighting to stay strong and has a generally high pain tolerance.

ACCESSORIES (handaxe tattoos, onyx ring)
Jack is tattooed with a pair of handaxes that allows them to be stored in and summoned from hammerspace. Likewise, his attunement to a blessed onyx ring allows him to travel to and from his base of operations and other locales through the use of connected teleportation circles.

WEAKNESSES (silver and rowan, wounds)
Jack is vulnerable against noble silver, which weakens his enhanced physical attributes and slows his healing factor, and he cannot bypass anything made of rowan wood without effort. On the more mundane side of things, he also suffers from mutism and hand-related issues.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #1)
Jack has accumulated a number of titles, though he most often uses "The Lynx" to represent. Some of his others include Bloodletter, Dark Prince, Mad Mute, Sineater, and Warden.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #2)
Jack met his wife in gladiatorial combat while they were in prison, and it was love at first swing. After marrying, she gifted him a coffee mug that just has #2 printed on its side.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #3)
Jack is the father of three kids, one teenage step-daughter and two little boys of his own. The story goes that he devoured his wife's previous husband when he threatened their lives.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #4)
Jack doesn't prey on women, but that won't stop him from killing one indirectly or in combat. For reasons that only really make sense to him, his carnivorous diet consists of men.
COPYCAT KILLER (detectives, investigators)
Jack attempts to turn over a new leaf as a criminal consultant, which goes terrible when someone starts copycatting his past deeds. People are starting to think he's at it again, so it's time to set some things straight.
Drama, Thriller,
Modern Fantasy
HOSTAGE SITCH (monsters, supernaturals)
Jack gets kidnapped in a reverse taken-by-the-mob plot. To make things worse, his captors happen to be a group of wannabe monster hunters, and he's gonna have to work with one of the other prisoners to escape.
Action, Comedy,
Modern Fantasy
ONE WRONG TURN (civilians, investigators)
Jack occasionally gets incompetent thugs sent after him, courtesy of his two older brothers. Most days, it's not too big of a deal, but when they switch things up for once, he ends up in a ditch without any resources.
Comedy, Drama,
Modern Fantasy

A crime syndicate that traffics human blood...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in rep.
SPECIALTIES: Cryptids, Shady Connections
WEAKNESSES: Bloodlust, Wanted Criminals
Glittering stones and other bioluminescence twinkled overhead. Stagnant waters teased the dry, withered foliage, and the only winds that tickled the senses were ones that passed through natural vents high above. Needless to say, such little life existed so far below, and what managed to survive only did so by the skin of its teeth.The clicking of talons against cobblestone echoed down the increasingly empty market. Wires and rope crisscrossed from the roofs in a spider's web from which paper lanterns and clothes hung, while the sandstone buildings themselves seemed to veer inwards, listening and ever-hungry, much like the denizens that inhabited the endless deep.Jack shuffled his way along, the tips of his faded teal tunic just barely swishing against the ground, torn and frayed at the edges from use and dappled with dark stains. One hand held the other, both tucked neatly against his chest. A face scarf wrapped comfortably just above his nose, while a hat concealed all but two bright green eyes that almost seemed to reflect light from under the shadow of its brim.A slim window had to be made, one that ranged somewhere between when he woke up and when the rest of the bazaar decided to close their businesses - and for sleep medicine, ironically enough. What happened when one smashed a round nocturnal predator into the square-shaped hole that was a daily desk job? A helluva messed-up circadian rhythm. Jack barely slept. The resulting migraines were unbearable, and he needed the strong stuff.The alchemist's clicking and shuffling came to an end outside of an apothecary, Uncommon Taste. A gloved hand reached out, wrapping around the handle, and as soon as he cracked open the door, he smelled it.Blood. He smelled blood.While the thought of his doctor was worrisome in of itself, more intense happened to be the indication that he may not have been alone. A puff of green fire whisked between three rows of fangs, briefly illuminating leonine features in the darkness. A warning? An invitation? Maybe a little bit of both.